Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Now Entering Cloud City

Once considered a trend, cloud computing continues to grow. And, we’re not just talking about growth in thought leadership circles, but growth in actual physical size. Yes, the cloud is going urban. Within two years, China’s proposed cloud city will be physical proof that this computing model truly has a stronghold on our technological life. Partnering with IBM and based in China, Range Technology is putting its money where its mouth is – betting on the cloud by erecting a 6.2 million square feet facility located in a province near Beijing.

The sprawling campus, about the size of the Pentagon, will include offices, call centers, restaurants, and living spaces, as well as at least seven enormous data centers. The move is a sign that organizations and countries are starting to step up efforts to grow the IT infrastructure to meet the surging demand for cloud computing and other data services. Funded by the government, China’s cloud city will be mainly utilized for government departments but also opened to private industries upon its estimated completion in 2016.

Is this a sign that data cities will become the newest feature of the urban oasis – powering a world that lives and breathes on the Internet?

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