Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It’s not uncommon for my wife to stare at me blankly while I try to explain something exciting at work. I had this experience again over the weekend when I explained, “Hey honey, on Monday we’re announcing that we’ve grown our global Cloud footprint 500 percent over the past year and we just earned our ISO 27001 certification too. Pretty cool, huh?”

Nothing. Just a blank stare.

Never the less, today’s announcement is – at least to me and my colleagues – pretty big news for a couple of reasons. First, I think both the new data centers and ISO 27001 Certification demonstrates McAfee’s commitment to becoming the world’s leading provider of Cloud-based security solutions. I mean, let’s face it. Opening a major data center is no small task, let alone opening five around the world. And ISO certification is no cake walk either. Second, and perhaps more importantly, the expansion allows us to continue serving our SaaS security customers even better, providing unparalleled reliability, scalability and security.

Moreoever, I think the announcement offers an opportunity to start having better dialogues with customers about how Cloud-based services are delivered on a global level, and what sets McAfee apart. Too often, I hear or read about vendors boasting about the number of data centers they have around the world. Little detail is shared as to whether those are Tier 1 or Tier 3 or 4 data centers. And how they’re interconnected also matters, particularly when you’re dealing with critical infrastructure. Yet, for all we know, these so-called data centers plotted on a fancy-looking map could be housed in the back room of some strip-mall office. I’m sure they’re not, but the point it’s important to ask.

So the next time you’re talking with a Cloud provider, and they boast about the number of data centers they have around the world, pause for a moment and ask them to provide some more details. You’ll sleep easier at night.

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